
Showing posts from February, 2018

JVM Internals

JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine. Every Java application runs in its own JVM.  It is an engine that runs java applications. JVM is a part of JRE (Java Runtime environment). So on any machine where JRE is installed, we can run java applications. The following shows the architecture diagram of the JVM : JVM has the following areas : 1. ClassLoader subsystem 2. Runtime data area (memory area) 3. Execution engine 4. Native method interface 1. ClassLoader subsytem Classloader is responsible for loading, linking and initialization of the classes. a. Loading involves reading class files and store corresponding data in method area. For each class file, JVM stores fully qualified classname, fully qualified parent class name, constructor info, method info, variable info, constants info, modifiers info, etc. After loading .class files, JVM immediately creates an object for that loaded class on the heap area of the type java. lang.Class. The Class class object can be used

Concurrent collections

With the introduction of concurrency api, the concurrent collections were also introduced. Previously, we had to synchronize the collection object that we are using and at a time, single thread can only access that object. And whenever we do not synchronize and multiple threads perform the operation on the same collection object, we are faced with concurrentmodificationexception. But with these new utilities, multiple threads can perform operations at the same time. Also the performance of the concurrent collections is faster since they use a new type of locking i.e. segment/block locking rather than locking the entire objects. This also makes them suitable for multithreaded, high performance, scalable applications. Following are the concurrent collections : ArrayBlockingQueue ConcurrentHashMap ConcurrentLinkedDeque ConcurrentLinkedQueue ConcurrentSkipListMap ConcurrentSkipListSet CopyOnWriteArrayList CopyOnWriteArraySet DelayQueue LinkedBlockingDeque LinkedBlock

Multithreading - Callable

Many times we would like to have a facility by which we can have return values from the threads. Since the run () method of the Runnable interface has the return type void , it was not possible with that. In the concurrency api, we have a new feature known as the Callable interface. This interface represents a thread that returns a value. The Callable interface defines the single method call() Object call() throws exception The callable task is executed by calling the submit() method of the executor service. Future submit(Callable c) Future is an interface that holds the value returned by the thread. The value can be accessed using the get() method of the Future interface. ExecutorService executorService = Executors. newFixedThreadPool ( 10 ) ; List<ThreadToAddNumbers> list = new ArrayList<ThreadToAddNumbers>() ; for ( int i= 0 ; i< 100 ; i++) { list.add( new ThreadToAddNumbers(i , i*i)) ; } for (ThreadToAddNumbers threadToAddNumbers : list) { F

Multithreading - Executors

Concurrency api comes with a new feature called executor that helps in initializing and controlling the execution of threads. Similar to connection pools, there come thread pools. At the top of the hierarchy is the Executor interface. It comes with a single execute () method. It provides the functionality such that we can remove manual creation of threads. execute(Runnable r) - provide a runnable class and it will manage its thread creation & execution Next is the Executors class. It is a static utility class (similar to Collections) which provides several static factory methods to create various type of Thread Pool implementation in Java. ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool() - returns a thread pool that creates new threads as needed. ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int num) - returns a thread pool with threads as specified. ExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(int num) - returns a thread pool that can schedule